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An Online Master’s Degree in Urban Education for Future School Principals

To effectively serve an urban campus made up of families from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, educators must develop decision-making approaches that consider the unique challenges — and opportunities — that students face as they pursue their education.

Norfolk State University’s online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Urban Education with a Concentration in Principal Preparation program recognizes the distinct demands of educating students growing up in cities. Designed to equip aspiring school administrators with the skills and knowledge necessary for impactful and data-driven leadership, the program is for educators committed to making a difference in urban communities.

What Is Urban Education?

Put simply, urban education is the practice of educating students attending school in large metropolitan areas. However, the definition is more complex in practice, according to University Preparatory Schools. Urban schools are typically identified by their diverse student bodies, which reflect a wide range of cultures, languages and economic backgrounds. They often serve higher concentrations of low-income students, students of color and English language learners than their suburban and rural counterparts. Because of higher enrollment, urban schools often face larger classroom sizes and limited financial resources, which can lead to challenges for teachers and principals.

Poverty remains a persistent problem in urban school districts, impacting students’ mental and emotional health as well as their ability to learn, according to the Tri-State Defender. As a result, students experiencing poverty can struggle with nutritional issues, unstable housing and limited access to health services. Those factors impact student outcomes as young people navigate daily stressors in their home and school environments.

Urban educators tackle these challenges head-on, working to close achievement gaps, retain top teaching talent and develop systems that meet student needs. Among the most effective strategies are building meaningful relationships with families and community organizations, Louisiana educator and consultant Malcolm Stokes explains.

Stokes advises school leadership to incorporate curriculum materials relevant to diverse communities, provide differentiated instruction to students of differing abilities and learning styles, and give educators opportunities to grow through regular professional development training. With support from colleagues and mentors alongside sessions focused on the latest best practices and tools, teachers can succeed in urban environments.

What Will I Study in a Master’s in Urban Education Degree Program?

With a focus on culturally responsive practices and real-world applications, Norfolk State’s fully online M.A. in Urban Education with a Principal Preparation track program stands out as a gateway for educators aiming to transform urban education. The program is ideal for current educators in urban schools looking to advance their careers and income potentials, especially those looking to transition into administrator roles as a principal, assistant principal or central office administrator. While all coursework is online, students gain on-the-job training through embedded field experiences and internships within a school campus and in the central office.

Since a teaching license is required for entry to the program, Norfolk State recognizes that incoming students already have a solid foundation of knowledge and in-classroom experience. The program’s coursework stresses school administration and leadership skills necessary to supervise, evaluate and inspire staff, students and families. The following courses speak to these abilities:

  • Program Evaluation & Development: Students build an understanding of the relationship among needs assessment, program goals, measurable outcomes and program mission statements.
  • School and Community Relations: Students explore how an administrator can engage with the community through field experiences, media interviews and programs.
  • Personnel Management and Staff Development: Educators gain the strategies to ensure staff are productive and can navigate conflicts and personal problems between employees.
  • School Law: To advance their careers, aspiring administrators must understand the intricacies of school law, policy and finance. This course provides educators with an overview of major legal issues affecting education and Virginia schools.
  • School Finance: Students learn best practices for financial resource management in public schools.

Benefits of Earning Your M.A. in Education Online From Norfolk State

Urban education requires innovative, resilient leaders committed to boosting learning outcomes for all students regardless of background. Norfolk State’s online M.A. in Urban Education with a Principal Preparation track prepares graduates for leadership roles as urban school principals leading a diverse campus, or as district administrators implementing strategic initiatives across multiple schools.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to urban education, school administrators must have a number of skills and strategies to utilize. The program equips educators with the skills, knowledge and credentials to rise to this challenge — and pursue new career opportunities in the process.

Learn more about Norfolk State University’s online Master of Arts in Urban Education with Concentration in Principal Preparation program.

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